Guaranteed Winners Program
Our popular Guaranteed Winners Program ensures your organization's highest scoring game card wins prize money. Read below for details.
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CharityMania’s Guaranteed Winners Program can make HockeyMania even more fun for your organization and exciting for your game card holders! Each week the program will ensure that your organization has at least one winning game card… which means you are guaranteed to have at least 15 HockeyMania winners from just your organization.

In the past, your organization may have gone many weeks without having a winning game card, depending on the number of game cards you activated. With the Guaranteed Winners Program, if you don’t have a winner in any given week, then CharityMania will calculate a $20 bonus prize money winner just for your organization. The bonus prize money winner will be calculated based on your organization’s highest scoring game card for that week. This means that in each of the 15 weeks of the fundraiser, at least one of your activated game cards is guaranteed to win at least $25. Having a winner each week should be a great selling point when promoting the fundraiser to potential game card holders.

Please note that the Guaranteed Winners Program is completely optional. For those organizations that opt into the program, they will be charged an additional fee for all tickets they activate as of the beginning of the fundraiser (i.e. the ticket activation deadline). This fee will cover a portion of the prize money that they will be paying out to their bonus prize money winners and CharityMania will be covering the remaining portion of that prize money. We also feel it is important to emphasize that CharityMania does not make any profit with this program… we share the cost of the additional prize money with you.

The number of bonus prize money winners you have is largely dependent on the number of tickets you activate and so is the cost to participate in the program. The following is a guideline of the additional prices you will pay to participate. The actual fee is based on the number of tickets you activate.

Program Fee (in addition to the baseline $6 per activated ticket)
1000  game cards or more activated: No charge. The program is free
999  game cards activated: $4.13  total additional fee.
750  game cards activated: $14.03  total additional fee.
500  game cards activated: $44.59  total additional fee.
450  game cards activated: $55.75  total additional fee.
400  game cards activated: $69.54  total additional fee.
350  game cards activated: $86.53  total additional fee.
300  game cards activated: $107.41  total additional fee.
250  game cards activated: $133.02  total additional fee.
200  game cards activated: $164.38  total additional fee.
175  game cards activated: $182.57  total additional fee.
150  game cards activated: $202.67  total additional fee.
125  game cards activated: $224.85  total additional fee.
100  game cards activated: $249.33  total additional fee.
75  game cards activated: $276.33  total additional fee.
50  game cards activated: $306.10  total additional fee.

(You must activate at least 50 tickets to be eligible)